Set up extra winners a.s.a.p.
Can you afford to play a top Honour first?
How many trump tricks do i need?
Have the opponents preempted?
Thirty Three
Support or Preference?
Jump rebids
Do you know where you are going?
How opener bids a five card suit
What are my alternatives
Lead towards the honour you are trying to promote
Hand Shapes
Take-out doubles in other situations…
Responding to partners double…
When would you lead an ace against an unrevealing notrump auction?
When your longest suit is headed by three touching cards…
Fourth Highest?
Opening lead versus No-Trump contracts…
More take-out doubles…
How many points do I need to overcall?
“SQOT” - The Suit Quality Overcall Test
What are the main reasons for overcalling?
An introduction to Overcall…
Sophisticated responding to take out double…
More Stayman…
Stayman…What does opener reply if he has both four-card majors?
Responding to a take-out double
Tip: DO keep equal length with dummy
Tip: DO be happy to let declarer trump in his hand
Tip: DO switch to a high (spot) card if you don’t want the suit led back
Tip: DO lead top of a sequence of three touching or near-touching high cards in your longest suit in
Tip: DO lead from the opposite hand when finessing
Tip: DO delay drawing trumps when you can trump in dummy
Tip: DO be happy to open 1 NT with a five-card major
Tip: DO look for a five-card suit from which to make length winners
Tip: DO go for your extra tricks before cashing your top tricks
Tip: DO bid a good suit as an overcaller with fewer than opening points
Tip: DO bid the cheaper of four-card suits as responder
Tip: DO open the higher-ranking of two equal length suits, except open 1♥ with four-four in ♥ + ♠
If in dummy there’s a long, strong suit, the defenders’ need to win tricks quick is quite acute
If you have to lose a trick, get the pain over with quick
Five is for the other side
Six-four bid some more
Bidding low point count slams F.A.S.T.
Trump in Dummy - Yes
Odd numbers break evenly, even numbers break oddly
Bid to the Level of the fit
For a suit bid twice, six cards are nice
Thinking of a slam?
Ace from ace-king is Andrew’s favourite lead v suits
Play like a tortoise, not like a hare
One down is good Bridge
Rules of 20
Rules of 19
Rules of 17
Rules of ...16
Rules of 13
The Rules of…Twelve
The Rules of .....Ten
The Rules of…. Seven
The Rules of ....Five
The Rules of….Four
The Rules of…... One
The Rules of… Three part (i)
Ditty “Down one is good Bridge”
Ditti “Avoid minor-suit games, not minor suits”
“Bid notrumps with mettle, then head for the kettle”
The Differences between Weak & Strong NT
Signal & Discard
Bidding Good bad hands
Responding to pre-empts - to spoil
Three Weak Twos
Lead top of two (remaining)
Partial drawing and Rule of One
Suit Establishment - how many entries?
Which card to promote ?
4-4-4-1 hands
High Level Doubles
Don’t confuse support with mere preference
The Three Card raise of 1M to 2M
After responder has bid the dustbin lNT
After intervention, stick to your planned bid
Look for extra tricks
Penalty Double
A Suit Overcall
Eight-card major fits –The Holy Grail of Bridge
Respond the cheaper of four card suits
My Bols Tip
Every Time an opponent shows out
The Silver Blaze
How to consult partner
One supporting bid only
Bidding for the Lead
When to break a rule
The Unassuming Cuebid
Supporting bids are non forcing
Which Zone are you in?