Answer 30
Three possible hands are given for South, but only one is consistent with their three bids. Which one? What would the others hands have bid differently? Neither side is vulnerable.
North |
East |
South |
West |
1 ♦
1 ♠ |
Pass |
1 ♥
3 ♦ |
Pass |
Hand a) |
♠ J 10 8
♥ K Q J 10 4 2
♦ K Q 3
♣ 2 |
Hand b) |
♠ 8 3
♥ A Q 8 4 2
♦ A K 7 2
♣ 5 2 |
Hand c) |
♠ 2
♥ K 10 4 2
♦ Q J 5
♣ A 9 7 5 2 |
(c) is correct.
Responder’s jump to 3♦ shows 10-12 points and a diamond fit – facing partner who has advertised a 4♠-5♦ shape. Hand (c) is perfect and note that it was correct to respond 1♥ not 2♣ first time (only bypass a major to bid a longer minor with a good 11+ points – almost a game force).
With Hand (b) you were correct to show the hearts, but are too strong to just bid 3♦, a limit (non-forcing) bid. You have to bid the fourth suit forcing (2♣) then support diamonds to create a game force.
Hand (a) has a self-supporting heart suit (playable opposite a singleton – even a void). Jump to 4♥ at your second turn.