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How do I bid with a 4441?

Exercise: Which suit would you open with these hands? What is your planned rebid if partner responds in your singleton?

Hand a) Hand b) Hand c)
♠ 4
K J 4 3
A K J 3
K J 9 6
♠ J 9 4 2
A Q 8 3
K 7 5 2
♠ Q 8 5 2
 A Q 7 4
♦ 5
A Q 5 2
  • (a). Open 1and rebid 1NT over 1♠, showing 15-16 “balanced”. Partner will think you have 2/3 spades. That’s life.
  • (b). Pass. Yucky 12-count with two dubious points in hearts. Perhaps an opponent will open 1 and you can make a take-out double, describing your hand in one call, when by opening you’d be unable to describe it in two.
  • (c). Open1♣ and rebid 1 over 1. Hope that your lack of the advertised fifth club will not prove serious.

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