Using a blueprint
I love Weak Twos. They describe a hand which would otherwise have to pass. They make life very awkward for the opponents, and very easy for partner. And they happen alot more often than the more old-fashioned Strong Two.
However the Weak Two does give away a blueprint of the hand, should the Weak Two bidder end up defending. As today’s West found to his cost.
West Deals
None Vul |
♠ |
K 6 4 3 |
♥ |
J 9 2 |
♦ |
9 5 3 |
♣ |
A Q 7 |
♠ |
A J 9 8 5 2 |
♥ |
Q 5 |
♦ |
8 |
♣ |
10 9 8 3 |
♠ |
— |
♥ |
K 10 8 7 6 3 |
♦ |
Q J 10 7 2 |
♣ |
5 2 |
♠ |
Q 10 7 |
♥ |
A 4 |
♦ |
A K 6 4 |
♣ |
K J 6 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
2 ♠1 |
Pass |
Pass |
2 NT |
Pass |
3 NT |
All pass |
Weak Two – 5-10 points and a goodish six-card suit.
West sensibly decided not to lead a spade v 3 NT – with no support from his partner – and so avoided giving declarer a second spade trick and an easy ride. Instead he led the ten of clubs. As declarer try to make nine tricks.
You have seven top tricks and can easily make one more from spades. Given that West has six spades and presumably some club length, the chances of a 3-3 diamond split are very slender. You should aim to make a second spade trick, by stripping West of his outside cards and throwing him in.
First cash the four top clubs to see the split. West follows all the way and East discards two hearts (you throw a spade from dummy). So West has ten black cards – just three red cards. You need to remove those three red cards. There are a choice of ways to do this, but say you lead a low diamond.
East wins and continues with the queen of diamonds, you winning the king and West discarding a spade (you guessed West was 6 ♠2♥1♦ 4♣ not 6 ♠1♥ 2♦ 4♣, for with the latter, East would have seven hearts which he never mentioned). You now lead a low heart.
West rises with the queen of hearts and exits with his other heart and you know he’s only got spades left. You cash the ace of diamonds to leave this ending:
You lead the queen of spades (key play). West has to win the ace, or you lead a second spade towards the king. West now has to lead from his jack, and you run it to your ten and score your ninth trick with the king. Game made – there was no defence.