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Squeeze out of trouble

There is little to compare with the excitement of picking up a monster such as South’s hand from a Kent league match. Tempered with that excitement is the thought that there is bound to be a large element of guesswork as to how high to bid. In this instance, you are hardly likely to be able to ascertain whether your partner holds the crucial king of diamonds.


West Deals
N-S Vul
K 7 5
K J 10 7 4 3 2
K 5 4
J 10 4
A 9 6 5
J 9 8 3
7 5
W   E
A Q 9 8 6 3 2
Q 8
Q 10 7
A 6 2
A K Q J 9 8 6 4 3 2
West North East South
Pass 1 1 1 ♠ 2 ♣2
Pass3 2  2 ♠ 3 ♠4
Pass 4 5 Pass 7 ♣6
Pass Pass Pass
  1. A tad strong for a 3H perempt
  2. This is 100% forcing and south will glean more information
  3. Why not 2S?
  4. "Tell me more, partner". I suspect siuth was merely passing the time of day before taking the final decision
  5. Hearts, Hearts and more Hearts, partner.
  6. As Jeremy Willian put it (verbatim), ..."so no idea how i am ever going to findout wether partner has DK plus an ace or even an entry... as i have played for far too many years to waste time on a hand like this to talk about might even be a F
7 ♣ by South


I really think your character comes into play here. Which would frustrate you more: bidding 7 ♣ and not making it when partner held the wrong hand; or settling for 5 ♣/6 ♣ and making all 13 tricks when partner held the right hand? Zia Mahmood, Andrew Robson and Kent’s Jeremy Willans, the actual South at the table, all belong to the latter camp. And you?

West led the jack of spades and the first card dummy tabled was the king of diamonds, Fabulous – that’s the twelfth trick and, crucially, a dummy entry. One more top card and the grand slam would be a claimer. But no – nothing further of good news. Undaunted, declarer ruffed the spade and ran all his trumps to reach this ending as the very last trump was led:

K 5
J 9 8
W   E
Q 10 7
A 6 2

West had to release a diamond to retain the ace of hearts. Dummy’s king of hearts could now be released – it had served its purpose. East also had to throw a diamond to retain his ace of spades. Now a diamond to the king and one back to the ace exhausted E-W of diamonds and
Willans scored the last trick with the six of diamonds. A perfect Double Squeeze, grand slam made and a story to dine out on for years.

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