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Tip for assessing your hand

Try to look beyond your high-card point count when assesing the value of your hand.


You pick up these 10 point hands (that's the average point count). Would you say they were promising (P), barren (B) or in-between (I).

Hand a)   Hand b)   Hand c)  
♠ Q 5 3 2
K J 4
A 4 2
♣ 8 6 2
  ♠ A 10 9 6 3
Q J 10 5
K 9 4
♣ 4
  ♠ A J 9 6
 10 6
Q 9 6 3 2
♣ K 9


  1. B. Yucky barren 4333 shape with no tens and nines. Trick-taking will be tough.

  2. P. Lovely 5431 shape, three possible trump suits with the two longer ones being the higher-scoring majors. Also, those major-suit tens look pretty good yet count for no high cards. Really a great 10-count.

  3. I. Reasonable hand, some useful shape and intermediates. But no sequential honours and the five-card diamond suit is not that great.

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