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Rebidding Notrumps

When opener has opened or rebid notrumps, the strength and shape of his hand is known. Therefore responder will normally know whether or not the values for game (25 partnership points) are present. If they are, then the only outstanding issue is which game to play. The order of desirability is:
  1. 4 , 4  with an eight-card fit.
  2. 3 NT.
  3. 5 , 5  some way behind.

Every effort should be made to locate an eight-card major fit. Say the bidding has begun 1 -2 -2 NT (15-16). What next with:

Hand  (a) Hand  (b) Hand  (c)
♠ K 7 3
J 9 6
A Q 9 8 5 3
♠ A J 9 6
7 3
10 6
A K 8 6 3
♠ 8 7 3
Q J 7
Q 4
K Q 8 6 3

(a) 3 NT. No point in bidding more clubs. 5  is a long way away.
(b) 3 . May still have a spade fit (partner would bid this way with 4 s-4 s and 15-16 balanced).
(c) 3 . This delayed support shows three hearts (with four you would support immediately). Partner may have have five hearts in a 5332 shape, in which case he will raise to 4 . With just four hearts, he will prefer 3 NT. 

South Deals
Both Vul
8 6 5
Q J 7
Q 4
K Q 8 6 3
J 10 7
A 5 2
A J 9 6 3
9 2
W   E
A 9 4 2
8 4
10 7 2
J 10 7 4
K Q 3
K 10 9 6 3
K 8 5
A 5
West North East South
Pass 2  Pass 2 N1
Pass 3 N2 Pass Pass
  1. 15-16 Balanced.
  2. Mistake. There might still be an eightcard fit in hearts.

What happened
Declarer correctly rose with dummy’s  Q on  6 lead. He then led  QJ (ducked) and  7 to West’s  A. On this trick East discarded  9 (“throw high means aye”), so West switched to  J. East won  A and led  10, crucially through declarer’s  K. West now had to score  AJ93. Down two.

West North East South
Pass 2  Pass 2 N
Pass 3 1 Pass 4 2
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. Showing his delayed (i.e. three-card) support, asking opener to choose between 3 NT or 4.
  2. Holding a fifth heart.

What should have happened
4  would make 10 tricks, losing just  A,  A and  A. Game made.

If you remember just one thing...
Explore for eight-card major-suit fits until neither can exist.

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