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Open rebids notrump

When opener has rebid notrumps, he has limited his hand. This makes responding relatively easy (responder generally knows whether the deal belongs in partscore, game, or possibly slam).

The situation is even rosier if opener has supported responder. Not only has opener limited his hand, but the trump suit has been found.

Take the auction 1 -1 -3 . Opener’s jump support shows four-card support and 16-18 pts (or the equivalent in Losing Tricks -see next deal). What should responder bid now with:

Hand A Hand B Hand C
♠ Q 9 7 4
8 6
A 7 4 3
9 8 3
♠ J 9 7 5 2
A 2
K 10 7
10 7 4
♠ A Q 10 7
A 3
A 8 7 5
Q 10 8
  • A). Pass. Not quite enough strength for game (16/17/18 + 6 not getting to 25). Put another way: partner has invited you (to game) and you are rank minimum.
  • B). 4 . May be one point short of game, but there are nine trumps, and it is better to have seven side-suit points as an ace and a king than queens and jacks.
  • C). 6 . 33 points is the guide for small slam. You are almost there - and the possible lack of a 33rd point will be more than made up for by the good fit and fine controls (aces).
North Deals
None Vul
K J 10 8
A K Q 7
Q 8 6
Q 4
6 2
10 9 5 3
10 9 5
A K 7 2
W   E
A 4 3
J 4 2
K J 2
J 10 6 5
Q 9 7 5
8 6
A 7 4 3
9 8 3
West North East South
  1  Pass 1 
Pass 3  Pass 4 1
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. Mistake. You are not forced to bid, so, with a rank minimum, should opt out

What happened
West led  A against 4 , switching to  10 (best). This went to  6,  2 and  A and declarer led  5 to  K. East won  A, led to West’s  K, and received  9 return. Declarer tried dummy’s  Q, but East could win  K and cash  J. Down two.

What should have happened

Similar good defence beats 3  by one. C’est la vie.

If you remember just one thing...
After hearing support, responder should assess which zone he is in: part-score, game or slam.

ARBC: 31 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4HH
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