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One supporting bid only

Here is a cautionary tale. You pick up: (Ignore the vulnerability) 
K 8 6 2
9 7 4
K J 4 2
♣ 8 3
If the auction starts, 1 -1 -2 -??

Say you bid 2♠, thinking to yourself: ‘maybe we’ll be allowed to play there, my flat seven count doesn’t justify a 3♠ bid’.

Just occasionally, you will be allowed to play 2♠, and partner will make precisely eight tricks. You can give yourself a pat on the back. But I hate your bid! Here are a couple of bad things that might happen:

A) The bidding continues:
3-P -P - ??
Now you have to guess whether to bid 3♠. Sometimes it will be right to do so – after all, you do have a nine-card spade fit. So say you do bid 3♠. This is the full auction:
3-P  -P - 3
P  -P  -P - Dbl

P  -P  -P

Disaster! You run into a trump stack and partner goes three down doubled.

Here’s what would have happened if you’d bid 3♠ straight away, instead of the dreaded two bites of the cherry:


B) The bidding continues:
3-P  -4 - P
P  -P.

Making 4 .

Here’s what would have happened if you’d
have bid 3♠ immediately:

P  -P  -P.
Yes – one of the opponents might have gambled 4 over your 3♠. But they might not have. So back to the hand. I would recommend an immediate 3♠ – bidding to the level of the fit. Second choice would be a (wet) 2♠ – but then to shut up. Worst route – by far – is the tippy-toe two bites route of 2♠ then 3♠.
South Deals
None Vul
J 5 2
Q 3
Q 10 2
A Q 8 4 2
A K 8 7 4
K 10
9 8 7
J 10 3
W   E
Q 9 6 3
9 6 2
K J 5 3
9 5
A J 8 7 5 4
A 6 4
K 7 6
West North East South
1  2  3 1 All pass2

Table one

  1. Yes, making one bid – to the limit.
  2. You can’t blame N-S for passing.

After (trick two) winning  K and drawing trumps, declarer runs  9 and holds his losses to one heart,  A and two clubs. Nine tricks – 3  made for E-W

Table two
West North East South
1  2  2 1 3 2
All pass      
  1. ‘I can always bid 3  next time’ (Ugh).
  2. Pushy, but winning.

After ♠A and 9 switch, to 10 and J, South ducks. All the defence can now score is K. 10 tricks and 4 made for N-S.


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