This deal is taken from Andrew's Rules Acronyms & Ditties booklet. (Available here)
It is almost always better to go down one in a contract than let the opponents make a contract. Simple as that. Therefore do not give the opponents a free ride in the bidding, try to push them uncomfortably high.
A. After (1 ♥) - P - (2 ♥) - P - (P) be very reluctant to let the opponents play. Bid 2 ♠ with:
Hand (i) | Hand(ii) |
♠ J 9 8 6 2 ♥ 9 7 ♦ A K 4 2 ♣ 7 6 |
♠ Q 8 6 3 2 ♥ 7 ♦ K J 10 2 ♣ Q 6 3 |
If the opponents let you play there and you go down one (about what you’d expect) that’s good bridge; for the opponents would surely be able to make a mere 2 ♥. If you push them up to 3 ♥, perhaps they will go down.
Down two (doubled? vulnerable?) is not good bridge though...
B. After (1 ♥) - P - (2 ♥) - P - (P) - 2 ♠ - (P) - P - (3 ♥) - P - (P) almost never bid 3 ♠. Bear in mind that partner did not bid over 1 ♥; that his 2 ♠ bid was designed to go down one or to push the opponents up to 3 ♥. He has succeeded – don’t punish his enterprise.
Down one can also be good bridge in an uncontested auction. Making a game contract carries with it big scoring rewards and should be attempted with just a 50-50 (or even slightly worse) chance of making (at Duplicate Pairs you want slightly better odds). Going down one in a valiant effort to make such a game is good bridge.
East Deals None Vul |
West | North | East | South |
1 ♥ | 1 ♠ | ||
4 ♥ | 4 ♠1 | Pass | Pass |
Dbl2 | Pass | Pass | Pass |
4 ♠× by South |
Lead: ♥ 3 |
On our deal East won trick one with ♥ Q and switched to ♦ 10 around to the weakness in dummy. Declarer won ♦ A and led ♠ Q. West won ♠ A and played ♦ K then ♦ J. Declarer ruffed, crossed to ♠ K drawing the opposing trumps, then ran ♣ 10. West won ♣ K and that was down one.
4 ♠ (doubled) down one was good bridge because E-W would make 4 ♥. [In 4 ♥] declarer (East) wins ♠ Q lead with ♠ A, draws trumps and knocks out ♦ A. He later leads towards ♣ K and because South holds ♣ A, ♣ K is promoted: just three losers.
You may say, “if North held ♣ A, 4 ♥ would not have made, so bidding 4 ♠ would not have been such good bridge”. Ah – but if North holds ♣ A, then 4 ♠ makes (N-S’s club finesse now working). And 4 ♠ doubled making is extremely good bridge!