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Thinking of a slam?

We have ascertained that a Notrump (Small) Slam requires 33 points. If you are happy to play Notrumps rather than in a suit, then count the total number of points held by the partnership.

If there are definitely 37 or more points (rare), bid 7 NT. If there are definitely 33 or more points, bid 6 NT. If there are definitely fewer than 33 points, settle for 3 NT.

But what if there may be 33 points (if partner is maximum), but there may not (if he is minimum)?

The answer is to go beyond game, thus announcing slam intentions, but not by more than one level, enabling partner to pass with a minimum hand. Bid 4 NT.

South Deals
None Vul
A 6 4
Q 7
A Q 6 5
A K 10 3
Q 10 8
K 10 6
10 8 7 3
J 9 7
W   E
9 7 5 3 2
J 9 8 4
9 2
8 5
A 5 3 2
K J 4
Q 6 4 2
West North East South
      1 NT
Pass 4 NT1 Pass 6 NT2
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. Unsure whether the partnership have the 33 points (facing 12-14), North invites the slam.
  2. South has a maximum point-count, so accepts.
6 NT by South
Lead:  3

This deal sees North invite slam, his partner accept, and West lead the three of diamonds. Declarer counts his top tricks: two spades, one heart, four diamonds and three clubs - total ten. The fourth round of clubs offers an excellent chance of an eleventh trick, but the twelfth will have to come from a successful major-suit finesse (either leading towards dummy’s queen of hearts hoping West has the king; or leading to his jack of spades hoping East has the queen).

Because a losing spade finesse would preclude the chance of establishing the queen of hearts (a second trick would have to be lost first), declarer must lead to the queen of hearts first.

Declarer made no mistake. He won Trick One with the jack of diamonds, and immediately led a low heart. West played low (the king works no better) so dummy’s queen scored.

Declarer now checked his fourth club trick was forthcoming. He cashed dummy’s ace of clubs, crossed to the queen (good - both followed), returned to dummy’s king (felling West’s jack) then cashed the ten. He crossed to the king of diamonds, returned to the ace-queen, and took the ace-king of spades and ace of hearts. 12 tricks. Slam made.

ARBC: 31 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4HH
Call NOW: 0207 471 4626