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Tip: DO go for your extra tricks before cashing your top tricks

Tip: DO go for your extra tricks before cashing your top tricks

Liken the play of a bridge hand to the fable of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The hare declarer loves to take tricks quickly and will score his aces and other top tricks immediately. He rarely makes any tricks later on, though, for he has promoted all the defence’s queens and jacks.

The tortoise, on the other hand, is more patient and knows the aces will not run away. He devotes his early attention to establishing extra tricks and so ends up with more than the hare. As you have guessed, you must play like a tortoise not like a hare.


South Deals
None Vul
A 7 5 3
3 2
A 5 3
J 8 5 4
Q 10 8 6 2
J 9 5
Q 10 4
K 6
W   E
Q 10 8 6
J 9 7 2
A Q 7 3
K 9 4
A K 7 4
K 8 6
10 9 2


West North East South
      1 NT
Pass Pass Pass  


1 NT by South
Lead:  6



After winning  J with  K, the hare would immediately cash  A,  AK and  AK. He would make the first six tricks...but no more. The tortoise wins  J with  K and counts six top tricks but does not play them out, instead trying to establish a seventh in clubs – where he has a four-card sequence and three higher cards to force out. He leads  10 to  K, wins  Q with  A, leads  5 to East’s  Q. He wins  6 return with  K, leads  9 to  A, wins  8 with  A, crosses to  A and enjoys the promoted  J, his extra trick.  K is his seventh trick – contract made.



South Deals
None Vul
J 4
9 6 3
A 8 6 4
A K J 5
K 8 7
Q 10 8 2
9 7 4 3 2
W   E
A 9 5 3 2
J 5
Q 10 9 2
10 8
Q 10 6
A K 7 4
K 7 5 3
Q 6


West North East South
      1 NT
Pass 3 NT Pass Pass


3 NT by South
Lead:  2



On West’s  2 lead (preferred to the longer but weaker clubs after N-S had no major-suit investigation) declarer could count eight top tricks ( AK,  AK,  AKQJ). The hare would play them out – and make no more – down one. The tortoise saw the spade sequence – and a ninth trick – winning  J with  K and leading  6. East beat  J with  A and led  5. Declarer won  A and led  Q. West could win  K and cash  Q10, but  10 was his extra – and game-going – trick.

ARBC: 31 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4HH
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