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Tip: DO be happy to open 1 NT with a five-card major

Tip: DO be happy to open 1 NT with a five-card major

Contentious - yes. Winning bridge as played by almost all top players worldwide - also yes. The main reason for being happy to open 1 NT with hand such as these ...


Hand i) Hand ii)

♠ K J 9 8 2

J 3

A 4 2

♣ A 7 2

♠ K 8 2

A Q 7 6 2

Q 2

♣ J 9 2

.is that you get the hand off your chest in one bid and don’t have to find a rebid. The ramifications are huge. Removing these 5332 hands with a five-card major from the 1 / opening bid means that if, for example, you open 1  and rebid 2  over 1 , you MUST have six hearts (with the 5 332 shape that would otherwise have to open 1  and rebid 2 , you have opened 1 NT).


Exercise: What is your bidding strategy with these opening hands?

Hand i) Hand ii) Hand iii) Hand iv)


♠ A J 8 7 2

Q 8 3

A 9 2

♣ J 2


♠ K J 9 8 3 2

J 8 3

A 2

♣ K 5


♠ 8 2

K J 9 4 3

A J 2

♣ A 7 2


♠ K 2

K 9 7 3 2

A J 2

♣ A 7 2


With Hand (i) open 1 NT: no need for a rebid.

With Hand (ii) open 1  and rebid 2  over 2  promising six spades [but only if you open 1 NT with Hand (i)!].

With Hand (iii) open 1 NT – avoiding the ghastly rebid problem you would face if you opened 1  and partner responded 1 .

With Hand (iv), too strong to open 1 NT, you open 1  and rebid notrumps at the lowest level, showing 15-16 balanced.

Although it is the inferences available to partner when you don’t open 1 NT that is the big plus (of opening 1 NT with a five-card major), sometimes hiding the major in the 1 NT opener reaps rewards...


South Deals
None Vul
A 5 2
4 3
A J 5 2
A 8 4 2
J 9 7 6
Q J 9 8
K 9 8
Q 10
W   E
Q 10 8
7 6
Q 10 4 3
J 9 5 3
K 4 3
A K 10 5 2
7 6
K 7 6


West North East South
      1 NT1
Pass 3 NT Pass Pass
1. 12-14 balanced – 5332 is a balanced hand.
This describes the shape and strength of your
hand in one go and avoids the need for a


3 NT by South
Lead:  Q


West led  Q v 3 NT, the textbook lead from  QJ9x. After East played  6, declarer made the crafty play of ducking, playing  5 to hide  2 (such that West thought East was making an
encouraging signal from  K62).

At trick two West made the understandable, but fatal, move of continuing with  8. This ran to declarer’s  10, who now scooped up nine tricks via  AK2,  AK,  AK and  A. Game made.

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