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Tip: DO delay drawing trumps when you can trump in dummy

Tip: DO delay drawing trumps when you can trump in dummy

Trumping in the hand with the shorter trump length – normally dummy – wins you extra tricks. And – unless dummy has four or more trumps – you cannot afford to draw the opposing trumps first, for if you do, dummy’s trumps will be gone.

Look for a suit in which dummy has fewer cards (0, 1 or 2) than you. Void the dummy, losing tricks if necessary (the defence doing best to lead trumps to remove dummy’s trumps), then trump extra card(s) in dummy – with trumps that would not otherwise win tricks.


South Deals
None Vul
K 3 2
3 2
K 8 7
8 7 6 5 2
10 8 6
Q 10 8 4
Q J 10 4
W   E
9 4
J 9 7 5
9 6 3
K 10 9 3
A Q J 7 5
A K 6
A 5 2
J 4


West North East South
Pass 2 1 Pass 4 
Pass Pass Pass  
1. (1) Much better than 1 NT in spite of the lack of a fourth spade.


4  by South
Lead:  Q


Win  Q lead with (say)  K and delay drawing trumps (you could afford two rounds). Instead cash  AK voiding dummy and trump  6 (with  3). Now cash  K, over to  AQ and you have ten winners (instead of the nine you would have had if you had drawn trumps immediately, as you would lose  6 instead of trumping it).



South Deals
None Vul
8 4
Q 6 5
A 7 5 3
8 7 5 2
A Q 9 7
9 8 7
J 10 8 6
J 3
W   E
K 10 5 2
J 10
Q 9 4
Q 10 9 4
J 6 3
A K 4 3 2
K 2
A K 6


West North East South
Pass 2  Pass 4 1
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. (1) Three-and-a-half Hearts.


4  by South


South wins  J lead with  K and must delay drawing trumps. Lose two spades early on and he can trump the third in dummy; draw trumps straight away and he will lose three spades later on.

At trick two declarer leads  3 to  7,  8 and  10. East switches to  J (best – removing dummy’s trumps) and declarer wins dummy’s  Q and leads  4 to  2,  J, and  Q. West leads  8 but declarer wins  K and trumps  6 with  6 (the crucial extra trick). He crosses to  K and cashes  A drawing West’s last trump. 10 tricks and game made.

‘I should have led a trump at trick one’, rued West.

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