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Sophisticated responding to take out double…

When responding to the take-out double of an opening bid, use the following high-card point guidelines: bid best other suit...

0-----------------8 9-------------12 13----------------
at lowest level with a jump at game level

Prefer a major to a minor, and only rarely bid notrumps (typically with at least two stoppers e.g. KJ102, AK96, QJ107).

Question: What do I do with a good responding hand (to partner’s double) that does not know which game to bid?

Answer (for the more experienced): bid opener’s suit, to create a game-force, and ask for more information. E.g: (1  )-Dbl-(P)-? Bid 2 with the following:

Hand i) Hand ii) Hand iii)

♠ K 9 4 3

 A 9 5 2

 Q 6 4

♣ A 3

♠ 8 6 5

A 9 3

 A 7 3

♣ A Q 8 5

♠ A 6

 Q J 2

 9 8 5 3 2

♣ A K J






Click to try today's deal


East Deals
E-W Vul
K 9 4 3
A 7 5 2
Q 6 4
A 3
10 7 2
J 10 6 3
10 3
J 9 7 4
W   E
J 6
Q 9
A K J 8 5 2
Q 5 2
A Q 8 5
K 8 4
9 7
K 10 8 6
West North East South
    1  Dbl
Pass 2 1 Pass 2 
Pass 4  Pass Pass
  1. “We’re going to game, but I don’t know which one - more information please”. Without this sophistication, North would have to guess whether to bid 3 NT (which should fail), 4(which has no chance), or 4.
4  by South
Lead:  10

4  was no cinch after East overtook West’s ten of diamonds lead with the jack and followed with the ace and king. If declarer ruffs high, the defence must score a trump trick as well as the third-round of hearts. If he ruffs low, West can overruff and score a late heart. Can you spot the solution?

Declarer has a certain heart to lose - so why not lose it now? The only winning manoeuvre at this point is to use Loser-on-Loser technique and discard a heart (key play). West now has to discard - fatally - from either of his holdings in hearts or clubs (“discarding” a trump is no use).

Declarer can win any return from East(overruffing in dummy if East persists with a fourth diamond and West ruffs), draw trumps, then set up the fourth round of the suit West discarded, by ruffing the third round. Elegant!


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