Did the opponents intervene in your auction. Here's what to do. Assuming opener was about to limit the strength of his hand (by rebidding notrumps, repeating his suit, or supporting responder’s suit) then the principle is simple: If you can make the bid you were planning to make, go ahead and do so; otherwise pass. What would the following openers do after 1♥-(P)-1♠-(2 ♣)-?
Hand a) | Hand b) | Hand c) | ||||
♠ A 8 ♥ A K 6 3 ♦ Q 7 6 2 ♣ Q 9 4 |
♠ A 8 ♥ K Q 6 3 ♦ Q 10 6 2 ♣ A Q 9 |
♠ 4 2 ♥ A Q 10 8 6 3 ♦ K Q 2 ♣ 9 4 |
(a) Pass. Cannot make the planned 1NT rebid.
(b) 2NT. Pretending the 2 ♣ overcall never happened.
(c) 2♥. The planned rebid. Intermediate deal of the month
West Deals E-W Vul |
♠ 10 9 6 4 2 ♥ J 9 5 4 ♦ A J 3 ♣ 3 |
♠ A 8
♥ A K 6 3 ♦ Q 7 6 2 ♣ Q 9 4 |
♠ K Q 5 3
♥ 8 2 ♦ 10 9 8 4 ♣ J 7 2 |
♠ J 7 ♥ Q 10 7 ♦ K 5 ♣ A K 10 8 6 5 |
What happened
West | North | East | South |
1 ♥ | Pass | 1 ♠ | 2 ♣ |
2 N1 | All pass |
Contract: 2 NT by West Opening Lead: ♣A |
2NT by West was not a happy contract. North’s ♣3 lead (in response to his partner’s overcall) saw South win ♣K and clear the suit by cashing ♣A and leading ♣5. All declarer could do was cash ♠AKQ and ♥AK. E-W down two.
What should have happened
West | North | East | South |
1 ♥ | Pass | 1 ♠ | 2 ♣ |
All pass |
Contract: 2 ♣ by South Opening Lead: ♥A |
Defending 2 ♣ is much more profitable for E-W. West cashes ♥A and receives an encouraging ♥8 signal (“throw high means aye”) from East. He continues with ♥K and ♥6. East trumps and switches to ♠K. Alertly, West overtakes ♠K with ♠A and fires back ♠8. East wins ♠Q and returns ♠5.Declarer trumps with ♣10 (he can do no better), but West overtrumps with ♣Q and now leads ♥3. East carefully trumps with ♣J and, although South overtrumps with ♣K, West’s ♣9 is promoted. N-S down two.
If you remember just one thing....
If you cannot make your planned rebid (limiting your hand), then you should pass.