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Availability: In Stock

£195.00 + p&p


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Essential is our most popular course, covering all basic aspects of the game. Many repeat it – and all say it was worthwhile. After Intermediate, give supervised gentle duplicate a try, where you’ll receive help with every bid and meet new people. 

Please click here for course summary

You need to be a member of ARBC to play or take a course at the club. Our membership runs for a calender year and costs £65 per annum (£45 from April until the end of the year or £25 from September until the end of the year). However this is reduced to £52 if paid by standing order (click here for the form) (£36 in April, and £20 in September). 

ARBC: 31 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4HH
Call NOW: 0207 471 4626