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Improver Plus

Improver Plus

Availability: In Stock

£195.00 + p&p


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A well-received course that practises the bidding themes of Improver, while introducing exciting and essential play techniques to improve your game. Once you have completed the Improver Play course, you are well equipped to face the big wide world of gentle duplicate and beyond. Repeat viewing is recommended. 

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You need to be a member of ARBC to play or take a course at the club. Our membership runs for a calender year and costs £65 per annum (£45 from April until the end of the year or £25 from September until the end of the year). However this is reduced to £52 if paid by standing order (click here for the form) (£36 in April, and £20 in September). 

ARBC: 31 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4HH
Call NOW: 0207 471 4626